100 pushups, 100 days

Improve your fitness and motivation, one day at a time.

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10,000 pushups across 100 days

Can you do it? The answer is yes. Anyone can.

  • Bang out 10 x 10 pushups in one session?
  • 100 straight, all gas?
  • 50 in the morning, 50 in the evening?
  • 25 x 25 x 25 x 25?
  • One every minute for 100 minutes?

Easy to do once, maybe twice. But can you do it for 100 days?

Create a healthy habit

Look, 100 pushups a day will not get you jacked - this isn't a replacement for a solid workout routine.

This is a personal challenge. Can you commit to doing something hard for 100 days?

Will you build mental and physical strength?
Will you start each day with a win?
Will you finally commit to making a better version of yourself?

100 pushups. That's the answer.

Join the movement

Still scrolling?

Go on then. Just do 10 pushups right now. We'll wait.

See how much better you feel?

Want that everyday?